Pilot Review of the Symphony Power Flow Tuned Exhaust
"Performance wise, I gained 150-200 FPM in the climb, the throttle response is amazing and can pull 2600 RPM @7500.' I saw 132 KTs. across the ground in a two way WOT operation at 7500. At 1,000 feet, I saw 132 KIA, (well into the yellow arc).
My number 3 cylinder is hot, 1400+ EGT WOT, 1500 + when the throttle is backed off low level, (less than 3,000). CHT is in the 420's on climb out and we are talking about 90+ temperatures. The other 3 cylinders are 1200, maybe 1300 EGT and low 400s CHT on WOT climb. All CHTs are 390 and below in cruise. Temp. probes were remounted the same equal distance from the header flange as the stock location. I have not detected a lean misfire or after fire when pulled to idle on final. Motor is very smooth and the prop was dynamically balanced 200 hours ago. Mag. timing was checked and was set at 25 degrees per the Lycoming specs. As we talked about, my pre Powerflow CHTs were high on climb out. I am leaving the mixture full rich on climb out below 5,000, unless I back off the throttle.
We are very pleased with the performance gain. I can only imagine the performance on a cold day and low altitude airport."
- Roland Barry
General Magazine Reviews on the Power Flow Tuned Exhaust
“I’m not a test pilot but… even I could tell there was a difference. It was that obvious.” Flying Magazine, August 1999
"Although it’s not free, Power Flow has created the closest thing to free horsepower that we’ve seen.” AOPA Pilot, January 2000
“A rate-of-climb increase of about 20 percent is remarkable – not to mention the safety factor increase when leaving high-altitude airports or climbing through cloud layers.” Private Pilot Magazine, December 2000 (click to read)
“…boosts the Lycoming O-320’s output by at least 20HP, while simultaneously reducing fuel flow and lowering CHT’s. Geez, what a deal.” The Aviation Consumer, May 1999
“At the conclusion of the flights, there was no questions that the PFS had improved both climb and cruise performance.” Plane & Pilot, December 2006. (M20 200hp)
“Upon opening the large boxes, I was immediately impressed.” Cessna Owner Magazine, September 2002.
“A rate-of-climb increase of about 20 percent is remarkable – not to mention the safety factor increase when leaving high-altitude airports or climbing through cloud layers.” Private Pilot Magazine, December 2000.
“This is a quantum leap in climb performance.” Cessna Pilots Association Magazine, August 1999
“In the aircraft industry, you see many “mods” claiming incredible changes to performance. It is refreshing to see one that actually lives up to its performance claims.” Cessna Owner Magazine, September 2002.
“The engine gets a more complete fuel burn. The effect in the cockpit is that it will take less throttle to get the same RPM” Aircraft Maintenance Technology Magazine, March 2005
Posted 12/05/15: We ask Power Flow Customers 3 questions