Go faster, up to 7 knots increase (constant speed)
30 to 150 RPM increase on static run-up(fixed pitch)
4 to 6 second reduction in takeoff roll
125 to 300 feet per minute (fpm) increase in climb rate
1.2 to 2.2 gallon per hour (gph) reduction in fuel burn
Cylinder Head Temperature (CHT) extremes reduced between cylinders and overall temperatures reduced
Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) extremes reduced between cylinders
Smoother running engine
Kit includes a complete 321 Stainless Steel Exhaust System,
i.e... 4 headers, cabin heat shroud, carburetor heat, extractor system, muffler, support rod, STC, instructions, including all necessary hardware for installation (nuts, No-blo gaskets, etc.)
Comes with new cabin heat and carburetor heat exchangers
No welds in cabin heat area practically eliminating the possibility of Carbon Monoxide poisoning
Fully muffled exhaust system with user replaceable muffler