Customer Reviews on the Power Flow Husky Tuned Exhaust System:
McCreery reviews the Power Flow System for the 180HP Husky
"I had the opportunity to go to Florida and test fly the Power Flow system for the Husky and wanted to share my seat-of-the-pants, barely scientific observations with you. I’ll leave it to the Power Flow guys to give you the data
The day I got to Daytona was a little uncharacteristic of Florida weather- although the temperatures were nominal the winds were about 10 gusting to 20 out of the south, right down the departure runway. This presented some difficulties in measuring takeoff distance but once in-flight, didn’t much affect the aircraft.
They are using McCreery’s 2008 A-1C-180 with an 80” Hartzell prop and 8.50 tires.
With full fuel and me at 240 lb, the airplane was off the ground before I rolled through the numbers, no doubt helped by the breeze on the nose but there was definitely an increase in power and acceleration from the Power Flow system. Fuel flow on takeoff as shown on the VM1000 was higher than I’d ever seen with a stock Husky before (17+ gph), also indicating more power being created.
Climb-out was somewhat limited by a 2500’ ceiling over the mainland, but while climbing over the runway, again I could tell there was more power than the stock Husky at work.
My SOP experience reminded me of the climb performance of an early (light) A-1 as compared to the A-1C. I did not have a “200HP” experience I had hoped for but there was definitely more kick with takeoff and climb power applied.
EGT spreads were equivalent to what I was used to seeing, although I believe that peak EGT was higher due to better exhaust gas scavenging. I’ve been using TomD’s “full throttle less ½” for so long it’s automatic and the CHT’s were about the same as non-Power Flow for the climb-out.
Once off-shore where the clouds finally opened up, I did a “time-to-climb” from 12,000 to 14,000 feet that gave me a baseline for comparison to another 2008 A-1C-180 that I have here in McAllen, TX. The PF airplane beat the stock airplane by 1 minute in the climb with very similar OAT’s. The differences between the airplanes were that the stock airplane had an MT and 26” tires and the PF airplane has 8.50’s and the aforementioned 80” Hartzell.
When the climb test was over, it was time to go back to DAB against those same headwinds. Once leveled out at 2200’, I found the PF airplane at 75% power demanded about 1 gph more than the stock Husky system for 75 degrees rich of peak as I normally run. There was definitely more speed but I’ll let Jim describe the measured differences. Indicated airspeed was in the yellow arc.
Finally, there was the increase in heater output temperature that so many have lusted after. I had the opportunity to take a new Husky from Afton to northern Maine a couple of weeks ago and spent a lot of time at altitudes where the OAT was 0-10F. I now better understand why you cold-weather Husky owners wish for more heat! "
Jim Taylor, McCreery Aviation.
General Magazine Reviews on the Power Flow Tuned Exhaust
“…Power Flow systems offer among the best bang for buck of any mods we’ve reviewed.” – The Aviation Consumer – Feb. 2009
“There’s very little available on the aftermarket these days providing the same return rate on investment.” – The Aviation Consumer – Feb. 2009
“…we are convinced they have a well engineered product and they have made reasonable performance claims.” – Light Plane Maintenance – Sept. 2008
“…the company’s money back guarantee almost makes it a no-brainer to give it a try.” – The Aviation Consumer – Feb. 2009
“I’m not a test pilot but… even I could tell there was a difference. It was that obvious.” Flying Magazine, August 1999
"Although it’s not free, Power Flow has created the closest thing to free horsepower that we’ve seen.” AOPA Pilot, January 2000
“A rate-of-climb increase of about 20 percent is remarkable – not to mention the safety factor increase when leaving high-altitude airports or climbing through cloud layers.” Private Pilot Magazine, December 2000 (click to read)
“…boosts the Lycoming O-320’s output by at least 20HP, while simultaneously reducing fuel flow and lowering CHT’s. Geez, what a deal.” The Aviation Consumer, May 1999
“At the conclusion of the flights, there was no questions that the PFS had improved both climb and cruise performance.” Plane & Pilot, December 2006. (M20 200hp)
“Upon opening the large boxes, I was immediately impressed.” Cessna Owner Magazine, September 2002.
“This is a quantum leap in climb performance.” Cessna Pilots Association Magazine, August 1999
“In the aircraft industry, you see many “mods” claiming incredible changes to performance. It is refreshing to see one that actually lives up to its performance claims.” Cessna Owner Magazine, September 2002.
“The engine gets a more complete fuel burn. The effect in the cockpit is that it will take less throttle to get the same RPM” Aircraft Maintenance Technology Magazine, March 2005