Power Flow Proudly Proclaims Our: SHOOT-DOWN AT HIGH NOON CHALLENGE
"Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible."
Lord Kelvin, president, Royal Society, 1895
“This fellow[Charles Lindbergh] will never make it. He's doomed.”
Harry Guggenheim, after studying The Spirit of St. Louis at Curtiss Field, 1927
"The Americans cannot build aeroplanes. They are very good at refrigerators and razor blades."
Hermann Goering, German Air Force Minister, in letter to Hitler, 1940
Image reprinted with the kind permission of the copyright holder: Labusch Skywear, Inc., Kitchener, ON, CANADA, www.skywear.com. All rights reserved.
"The concept is interesting and well-formed, but in order to earn better than a 'C,' the idea must be feasible"
A Yale University management professor in response to Fred Smith's paper proposing reliable overnight delivery service. Fred Smith later started FedEx. 1965.
Let’s Face It: “Experts” (particularly those of the self-anointed variety) frequently get it wrong.
Normally, we are able to write these pontifications off as no more than cheap amusement. When their baseless criticisms and unfounded judgments adversely affect our Customers and our business reputation, though, we feel compelled to respond.
Since we follow many of the same General Aviation web sites, blogs and User’s Forums as you do, we are equally aware of some of the “experts” who feel compelled to inflate their own authority (or maybe just their own self-esteem) by taking pot-shots at the products and services produced by Power Flow’s team of dedicated men and women who work hard to provide our Customers with a top-notch, high performance upgrade accompanied by World-Class technical support and Customer service.
It is with more than a little satisfaction and with an abundance of self-confidence, therefore, that we hereby challenge any and all nay-sayers and harbingers of doom to a:
Shoot Down at High Noon
We invite any of the aforementioned experts who have any doubts whatsoever about any of the performance improvements stated by Power Flow Systems in any of its product literature or marketing materials to the following contest:
You name the time and the place, supply a registered, airworthy, adequately instrumented aircraft for which Power Flow offers an STC’d Tuned Exhaust System kit, and invite as many witnesses to the contest as you would like.
Power Flow will (at our own expense):
I. Travel to your selected site (within any of the 50 United States)
II. Bring a complete Power Flow System configured for the aircraft you specify
III. Conduct a thorough, documented inspection of your aircraft to verify that it is airworthy and operating within normal parameters
IV. Run a comprehensive series of “Before and After” Flight Test profiles to measure and document each of Power Flow’s published performance parameters.
& – (Here’s the fun part!):
V. If the results of these tests (as verified by an independent, impartial observer) do not equal or exceed the minimum gains stated by Power Flow, we will donate $1,000.00 to any recognized aviation related non-profit organization of the challenger’s choice.
VI. If the results DO verify our stated performance gains the challenger agrees to donate $1,000.00 to the recognized aviation related non-profit organization of Power Flow’s choice.
VII. At the conclusion of the Challenge flights, we WILL remove the Power Flow System (Sorry, but No, you don’t get to keep it – Nice try, though!) and re-install the aircraft’s original exhaust system.
VIII. The particulars, progress, and results of ALL challenges (win, lose or draw) will be published on Power Flow’s web site
(Looks like it’s time to “Put up or Shut Up”!)